Oleme viimased 6 aastat Eestis teinud aastas kõige rohkem metsatehinguid, ületades 3500 piiri. Usume täpsesse ja ilustamata ülevaate andmisesse, saades aru, et mets on erametsaomaniku jaoks hinnatud varandus.
Pakume ainsana Eestis kompleksteenust – konsultatsioonid, metsamajanduskava, dokumentatsiooni ettevalmistamine, raietööd, taimeistikud, istutamine ja järelhooldus – kõik ühest kohast.
Oleme uhked, et istutame ainsana Eestis iga raiutud puu asemele 5 tk tagasi – ükski raielepe ei välju ilma taasmetsastamise plaanita!
Meie juures suhtled vaid spetsialistidega, mis tagab sulle kiire, läbipaistva ja kliendikeskse lähenemise.
Oleme välja töötanud CO2-kalkulaatori, mis aitab läbi metodoloogilise metsamajandamise süsinikjalajälge vähendada ning annab võimaluse majandada oma metsa metsapositiivselt.
Iga raie puhul teostatakse kvaliteedi kontroll ja saadetakse omanikule ülevaate raport ja tagasiside tehtud töö kohta. Omanik saab alati kindel olla meie pakutavas kvaliteedis, seda mugavalt ilma kodust lahkumata.
Eesti Metsameistris leiame lahenduse lisaks metsale ka su põllu-, rohu- ja elamumaale.
See on meie klientidelt korduma kippuv küsimus. Täpse vastuse saamiseks peaks esmalt metsamajandamiskava vaatama.
Metsakavad kehtivad 10 aastat ning seal on kirjas kasvava metsa tagavara, peamised puuliigid, sortiment, kasvukohatüüp ning täius. Hinna kujunemist mõjutavad lisaks metsamaterjalile ka kinnistu asukoht ja ligipääs.
Esialgse hinnangu saab anda ka metsamajanduskavata. Võta meiega ühendust!
Ostame metsa koos maaga kõikides Eesti maakondades. Kui sa ei näe ennast ega lähedasi oma metsakinnistu majandamisega tulevikus tegelemas või ei soovi vara väärtuse tõstmiseks lisainvesteeringuid teha, võiksite kaaluda metsa müüki koos maaga. Võid julgelt majandamise teatepulga meile edasi anda – garanteerime, et koos meiega on teie metsal helge tulevik.
Kui oled maaomanik, kes ei kohku tagasi metsamajandamisega tegelemast ega heitu Metsaseaduses seatud kohustusest oma metsa pärast raietöid ka uuendada, võib raieõiguse võõrandamine lahenduseks sobida. Koostame esmase hinnapakkumise metsamajandamiskava, ortofotode või väljastatud raieteatiste põhjal, ning kohtume enne tehingut hea meelega koha peal metsas. Anname ilustamata ja ausa hinnangu teie varandusele. Tänu aastatepikkuse kogemusega koostööpartneritele ja spetsialistidele saame osta raieõigusi üle Eesti.
Kõikidele Eesti Metsameistri töödele teostame eraldi üksuse poolt ka raie kontrolli ning saadame metsaomanikule tööde kulgemisest ülevaate. Nii saab metsaomanik tehtud töö kvaliteeti hinnata ja järelevalvet teostada ise kodust lahkumata.
Kõikidele Eesti Metsameistri töödele teostame eraldi üksuse poolt ka raie kontrolli ning saadame metsaomanikule raietööde kulgemisest ülevaate. Nii saab metsaomanik tehtud töö kvaliteeti hinnata ja järelevalvet teostada ise kodust lahkumata.
Metsamajandamiskava on metsavarude ja -seisundi ülevaade, kus on ka soovituslik tegevuskava metsa majandamiseks. 10 aastat kehtivas kavas on välja toodud kasvava metsa tagavara, peamised puuliigid ja piirangud, sortiment, kasvukohatüüp ning puistu täius. Kava tohivad koostada ja kinnitada ainult riikliku tegevusloaga metsakorraldusettevõtted – metsakorraldajad peavad edukalt sooritama eksami ja katsetöö.
Jätkusuutlik metsa eluringi austav majandamine tähendab, et raietööde lõpuga tegelik töö alles algab. Raietööde järel on metsaomanikul seadusest tulenev kohustus tagada metsa uuenemine, seda kas looduslikul teel, istikutega või seemneid külvates.
Otsustasime aastaid tagasi, et võtame vastutuse kogu metsa elutsükli eest ja lisasime oma ettevõtte teenusevalikusse ka metsakasvatuse. Kasvatuse protsess sisaldab maapinna ettevalmistust ja külvi või kodumaiseid istikuid koos istutusteenusega. Mõlemale metsauuendusliigile järgneb noorte puude hooldamine ehk kultuurihooldus.
Tänapäeva ühiskonnas pole paljudel maaomanikel aega ega karjäärilist huvi oma põllumaid ise üles harida, kuid põllumaa rendi tootlikkus kipub väike olema. Nii võib rahaliselt ja ajaliselt parim lahendus olla põllumaa müük. Teeme koostööd nii looma- kui ka teraviljakasvatajatega, mistõttu teame, millistes piirkondades parasjagu kõrgendatud ostuhuvi ja seega ka parem hind on. Ostame ka võsastunud või söötis põllumaid, et neid taastada ning taas põllumajanduslikku kasutusse võtta.
Eesti Metsameister kuulub Skovest Networki-i. Skovest Network on jätkusuutlikule metsandusele pühendunud kontsern. Pakume erametsaomanikele ainsana Eestis paindlikku kompleksteenust – konsultatsioonid, metsamajanduskava, ülestöötamine, metsaistikud, istutamine ja järelhooldus kõik ühest kohast. Koostöö meiega on lihtne, kiire ja läbipaistev.
Skovest Networki alla kuuluvad 7 ettevõtet:
Loe lähemalt Skovest Networki kohta siit.
Excellent job! I became a bit smarter in forestry, Andreas was so good at giving advice and we immediately saw that he knew his field – he explained everything in clear Estonian. My wife was also present at the entire process and has the same opinion. I have also encountered a lot of these “forest-advisors” before, but I am a rather picky and sensitive person and from the tone of voice you can immediately recognize whether it is appropriate to do things with this person – Andreas is a very good match and comfortable to communicate in simple language. I have been asked with whom I made the property transaction and continue to recommend my experience.
There were other offers, but advisor Martin explained well how the price was formed and how much the land was worth, the business went quickly and soon we reached the notaries office.
It all went well between Rauno and me, he found out about the access to the roads and did things thoroughly, personally – not imposed.
We liked everything! The business was amazingly fast, and I was pleased with the amount of money. I have already recommended Eesti Metsameister to my acquaintances, and I will cooperate in the future. The entire process was fast, and everything was understandable. Very pleasant experience!
Saarte Metsamajanduse OÜ
In a field that is constantly changing, we have found a partner in the form of Eesti Metsameister, who keeps up to date with everything. Working with them is always positive, because they are willing to take extra steps to provide the best possible service. Many industry professionals can maintain quality, but only few are able to constantly improve it. Therefore, we are happy to keep up with them to rise even higher!
Marrek Puit OÜ
Every company you work with must always be reliable, whose word is also worth something. In the case of Eesti Metsameister we do not have to doubt or check any objects that we undertake. This saves time and speeds up the process for both us and the customer. Achieving this kind of cooperation is exceptional and we are glad that we have found such a meaningful partner in the forestry industry whose values align with ours.
To me, being a city person, the clearing may seem a little alien, but, in fact, there were no mistakes – there were no rails left and the cutting work was decent. The most positive side of the entire process was the planting – it was very convenient for me, and I was truly satisfied. Young trees are growing, and I will be happy to work with you in the future!
We struck a deal on reasonable terms – I was in a bit of a hurry and the proposed combination of complex services was suitable. The quality of the logging work was good, the log landing was located on my neighbor’s plot, and there were no complaints from his side either – some branches that remained were burned off by themselves! The planting work was beautifully announced in advance, and the work went quickly – some plants also went out, but, I think, this is customary.
There were many callers from different forest companies, but Eesti Metsameister seemed most reliable to me – we would not have done the work ourselves anyway, and their offer was good. I was extremely pleased with the logging work, and the seedlings planted as a part of the complex service also grow beautifully! We might also work together in the future if these planted spruces would only grow faster!
Pakkumine oli hea ja aeg õige! Pretensioone ei ole, kõik tehti korralikult ära. Muretsesin teede pärast, kuid nendega õnneks ei juhtunud midagi! Istutusega olen samuti rahul. Midagi uut planeerin, siis võtan kindlasti ühendust!
It was the right time to manage the forest – the offer of Eesti Metsameister was the most suitable, and so it went. The decision point for me was the added reforestation to the logging work. The planting seems OK – I have also planted myself once, and there is nothing to complain about here. On a five-point scale, I would give strong 4 points, because the branches are still not shredded, but when the yield from the field can be harvested, it will be done too!
My adviser was very adequate and together we concluded that it was the right time to manage my forest property. During the logging work, I kept in touch all the time – the brigade was great, and everything was done as agreed! In the fall, planting was also completed, and later in spring they seemed to grow beautifully! It is okay!
There are no complaints, and every work was performed as agreed. In terms of planting, everything is also in order, and we are satisfied. Five stars out of five!
You contacted me on time – there was already a management plan in our mind! In general, I can be satisfied with the logging – the harvester only damaged some seed trees. At the initial inspection, the planting was neatly done – I will go to check again in the fall. I would also cooperate in the future, though there is nothing more to do – I still recommend Eesti Metsameister to my acquaintances!
The entire work process was very fast and smooth. The soil was soft, but there were no large rails left behind. Planting followed the logging, and when checked six months later, grew beautifully – in the spring I will go look again!
I decided in favor of Eesti Metsameister because they offer full service and proper contracts. After logging, the branches were well harvested, and the site remained nice. After that, the company did proper planting, which has also grown beautifully during the autumn inspection. Nothing bad to say!
Jaa, tõepoolest jäin väga rahule nõuniku tööga, kiire ja läbipaistev. Kõik sai korda aetud nii nagu vaja. Välja sai kaubeldud ka korralik hind, mida soovisime! Igaljuhul soovitan ka tuttavatele edaspidi.
I liked the communication with Eesti Metsameister’s advisor. I was completely satisfied – fast and transparent handling and completely satisfactory price as well!
I was pleased with the work of the advisor, there is nothing to complain about here. I especially liked the driver who drove to the notary and was genuinely nice and polite. Rated 10 out of 10!
Everything went smoothly, there is not a single bad word to say. I was completely satisfied with the work of Eesti Metsameister. They nicely explained all the process. Would recommend them to others too!
Very pleasant customer experience, we were satisfied in every way. We got the desired, decent price. Everything worked as agreed and well-explained. I would also recommend the firm to other landowners who are considering selling the property.
In terms of customer experience, I was very satisfied with Rauno’s work, he explained the full process thoroughly, and the price eventually turned out to be one with which a transaction could be made. I would also recommend him to acquaintances, in fact, I have several more acquaintances who have already used your company and are satisfied. I will also put another property for sale.
I have a long experience (several years) with callers who are interested in the forest – there are just talkers, there are insolent persons, and then Kaarel called – very polite, educated, not oppressive, like a bright star in a gloomy sky! He remained polite to the end, everything was correct and patient! If there is a need for a sale again, I will contact him, because Kaarel is a rarity!
Not complaining at all, I am also very experienced with such callers, but I was really satisfied with Kaarel. He called at the right moment when there was a sale interest. It is a pleasure to find a service provider who has similar views and life principles.
I cannot complain, Rauno explained everything about the process, I also received a quality report on the logging work done and all the information, plus reforestation was completed – I haven’t even been able to see it yet. The work is fast and neat.
I had been taking sales offers for a long time, and I liked the communication with Henri, because he was always competent, transparent, and at the same time followed an important aspect - everything was done in advance and retrospectively, I did not have to worry about anything – this is the kind of service I was looking for. I will turn to Eesti Metsameister again, and I dare to recommend them! In fact, there were also better offers, but this customer experience and cooperation outweighed that.
I liked the fast and transparent handling, everything somehow worked on time, and I was incredibly pleased with the price, because at that moment the best price in the market was offered by Eesti Metsameister.
I was really satisfied with the work of Andreas, he explained everything well enough, and we also got the desired price in both transactions. Not the slightest reason to complain.
Taavi explained well what formulated the price, the simple and transparent operation, helped us with the entire process of administration, because the process itself was very long, and among other things he drove us wherever we needed to. Since I had a selling interest anyway, the decisive thing was of course that we got the best price in the market!
Eesti Metsameister võtab vastutuse kogu metsa elutsükli eest. Meiega koostööd tehes ei piirdu metsatööd vaid raiega.